Monday, January 01, 2007


December 31, 2006 Hiking with Yaktrax Walkers

[click on these photos to see the Yaktrax Walkers close up]

It is interesting to me that it is possible, in our culture, to do something for a 1/2 century or so, and not realize that there is a much better way, easily and inexpensively. My topic? The addition of Yaktrax Walkers to your hiking boots when hiking in slippery conditions.
One year ago, December 30, 2005, I slipped on ice in the woods and broke my left distal fibula (a small leg bone near the ankle). I want to hike in the winter, so I went to EMS and they recommended these Yaktrax Walkers for $19.95. I also bought some snow shoes to start hiking (or is that shoeing?) in when (if) the snow comes.
In the meantime, the Yaktrax were awesome yesterday! It was so much easier to descend slippery slopes, and to maintain traction when bushwacking through the woods.

I can't imagine why I haven't always had a pair of these. One downside was one of the Yaktrax (on my right boot), partially broke during this first use, so now I wonder if they can stand the beating, or if I just had a defective pair. Oh well, back to EMS, hopefully they will exchange them for a new pair.

Chuck -- it's not your shoes that make you fall over in the snow! It's too many sips of whiskey from your hip flask!! Love your blog!!
Ahh.. Spends, a keen observation, spoken by a man with evident expertise in these matters. :>)
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